26 Lovely Housewarming Plants – Gift to New Homeowners

Last updated: January 2021

Reading time: 2 Minute

Hmm… So you are looking for housewarming plants as a present for new homeowners. That’s great. Houseplants are such a beautiful and cheap gift because they not only contribute to the decoration, but the vibes that are passing through them is peaceful and positive, and some plants are meant to be luckiest.

Folks who recently moved to their new home are welcoming those good luck plants with their big heart.

Ask a question to yourself before moving forward:

Whether my friends have time to grow and care of live plant?

If the answer is yes, then go for live houseplants; otherwise, the only option left is artificial plants.

There are tons of plants you could choose as a housewarming gift. The main thing you should be checking is the weather because every plant has a different temperature needs. In this article, you will be getting familiar with:

  • A) 26 Housewarming plants (flowered and non-flowered)
  • B) Non-living artificial houseplants
  • C) Where to buy?
  • D) Required growing temperature
  • E) Caring Instruction

For a quick look, here is the 2021’s list of best housewarming plants:

Symbolic Housewarming PlantsSymbolism Meaning
CalatheaIt symbolize a new beginning
Asparagus FernN/A
Air PlantIt symbolize freedom & creativity
Spider PlantMindfulness & health
Peace LilyPeace
AloeveraHealing and protection
English IvyLove & friendship
The dragon plantRepresent Islands
KalanchoeEternal love & persistence
Ponytail Palm“Victory, Triumph, Peace”
Phalaenopsis orchid“Love, Beauty, Fertility, Refinement, Thoughtfulness, Charm”
The ZZ PLANTFortune & Luck
Coffee plantHelping Hand
Red AglaonemaLuck & Prosperity
Jade plantGrowth
The string of pearls“Loyalty, wealth, luck, purity, protection”
The string of heartsLove
Ficus MicrocarpaUnity and success
The snake plantCleanliness and tenacity
Begonia Plant“Beauty, Individuality”
The lucky bambooFortune & Longevity
CactiProtection & Endurance
Fiddle leaf fig plantN/A
Jasmine plant“Love,Beauty & Sensuality”
Holy Basil“Purification, Protection, Eternal Life”
Chinese Money PlantIt bring wealth and fortune.
Housewarming plants Meaning – The complete gift list

Alert! There’s so much more for you to discover

Whatever plant you are planning to give as a housewarming gift, make sure to write instructions about temperature, lighting etc. on a congratulation card.

The ultimate list of live “potted houseplants” for a housewarming gift

Note: This list has included only live plants. To see artificial plants, garlands, and flowers bouquet click here.

1. Calathea aka the prayer plant

I have never seen a beautiful indoor plant like Calathea. Its wide stroke leaves just left a print in my eyes for forever. There are dozens of species found on the planet earth. Each one has unique textured leaves.

1. Calathea Houseplant

Caring Instructions

Where to buy this house plant?

The link of below Calathea Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

The Pinkinsh Calathea- housewarming plants
The Pinkish Calathea – 4 inches potted plant by Sherry
The Whitish Calathea- housewarming plants meaning
The Whitish Calathea- 4 inches pot by Sherry Mulford
The Rattlesnake Calathea - symbolic housewarming plant
The Rattlesnake Calathea – 6 inches pot by EDI

2. Asparagus Fern

Asparagus Fern looks wonderful near the window. If your new homeowner’s friends are living in a hot and humid environment, this beautiful cute fern type plant is for them. People are more likely to hang this potted plant in a basket. Or you might place it inside a pot at the corner.

2. Asparagus Fern
Asparagus Fern by Artisan Natura

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Regular, They are very thirsty.
  • Lighting: Indirect-sunlight.
  • Temperature: Hot-humid. Faster growth at 33-36 °C as per Acta Horticulturae report.
  • Flowers: Yes, it can produce small flowers and berries.
  • Toxicity: As per the Louisiana school of veterinary medicine, The berries of this furry plant can be toxic to both dogs and cats.

Where to buy this house plant?

The link of below Asparagus Fern Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Asparagus Fern stems only - good housewarming plants
Asparagus Fern stems only by Artisan Natura
Asparagus Fern 4 inches small live plant (potted) from Amazon - housewarming plants for good luck
Asparagus Fern 4 inches small live plant (potted) from Amazon

Asparagus Fern 10 inches plant (potted) - housewarming plant
Asparagus Fern 10 inches plant (potted) by Marzena

Related: Best latest gifts under $30 for housewarming

Related: 39 New Home Party Favors List : Housewarming Return Gifts

3. Chinese Money Plant

You probably have heard about the lucky money plant, but have you ever heard about Chinese money plant?? This is one of the popular houseplants among all because of its cuteness. It also called as a pancake plant due to its shape.

3. Chinese money plant
Chinese money plant by Pam Burton

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Regular, feed when the soil becomes dry.
  • Lighting: They like indirect-sunlight. Rotate once a week to avoid an unbalanced shape.
  • Temperature: As per the wiki, do not leave this little plant in below 10 °C. It can grow best in warm, humid temperatures.
  • Flowers: Yes, it can produce small white-pink flowers after a mature age.
  • Toxicity: No, it is totally safe for kids and pets.

Where to buy this house plant?

The link of below Chinese Money Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Chinese money plant inside a 2.5 inches clay pot - plants for housewarming
Chinese money plant inside a 2.5 inches clay pot by Pam Burton
Chinese Money plant - good luck housewarming plant
Four inches pot by California Tropicals LLC

4. Tillandsia aka Air Plant

Do you really gonna trust me if I say plants can be grown without soil? Yes, even I am shocked after I got to know about these adorable air plants that can survive without soil. People are like to buy a bunch of air plants because they require very little care and look lovely on shelves, dining tables, etc.

4. Air plant
Air plant by Susan

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Soaking your air plants 2-3 times for a few hours in a week. It may vary season to season. After watering, make sure to let air plants dry thoroughly for about 4 hours in indirect sunlight.
  • Lighting: Indirect, but also can rest in direct sunlight for an hour or two.
  • Temperature: As per Wikipedia, air plants have about 650 species, and many of them are ideally grow in between 20 °C to 30 °C. But some of the species can survive in the coldest temperature up to -10 °C.
  • Flowers: Once in a lifetime.
  • Toxicity: Not at all.

Where to buy this house plant?

The link of below Air Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

air plant - best housewarming plants
The decorative 3-5 inches air plant by Susan

The air plants - housewarming plant gift meaning
The air plants with purifying kit by Elizabeth
Air plant - housewarming plant good luck
The air plants inside a cute little whale by Paul
Air plant - house warming plants
The bigger air plant from Amazon

Dark reddish air plant - housewarming plant meaning
Dark reddish air plant with a statue by lilmaisons

Related: How much should I spend on Housewarming gift?

5. The Spider Plant

5. Spider Plant
Spider plant by Janie

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Regular, fill when the soil gets dry.
  • Lighting: Indirect-sunlight only. Direct sunlight may cause scorching to the leaves.
  • Temperature: Spider plants will grow fast at a temperature between 18°C -32°C as per Wikipedia. Also, this plant can survive in a cold temperature minimum of up-to 2°C.
  • Flowers: White flowers also called “spiderettes ” can be produced in the season of summer and spring.
  • Toxicity: Non-toxic to pets and kids.

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Spider Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

The Hanging Spider Plant - best house plants for housewarming gift
The Hanging Spider Plant Ball by Savannah
The longer leaves spider plant inside a 4-inch pot - housewarming plants
The longer leaves spider plant inside a 4-inch pot by California Tropicals LLC
The small black potted spider plant - housewarming plants meaning
The small black potted spider plant by Janie
Spider plant - symbolic housewarming plants
The 6 inches Spider Plant Hanging Basket from Amazon

6. Peace Lily Plant

Why don’t you gift a peaceful lily which spread peace and happiness to your friend’s new home?

Also, according to the research of NASA, they found that peace lily is one of the best plants for purifying the toxic air inside the apartments.

6. The Peace Lily
The Peace Lily photo by Anna

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Once a week or when it’s soil becomes dry.
  • Lighting: Indirect-sunlight. Peace lily plant likes to rest in the shade.
  • Temperature: Peace lily prefers mild warm to hot climate (18-30°C). Avoid placing it near the air conditional as lily can’t tolerate the cooler temperature.
  • Flowers: Yes, white lily.
  • Toxicity: Mild toxic according to Wikipedia. Please keep your pets and kids away!

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Peace Lily Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Peace Lily - good housewarming plants
The Peace Lily inside 9 inches premium quality vase from amazon

The Peace lily - good housewarming plants
The Peace lily rooted plant-4 inches pot by California Tropicals LLC

7. Aloe vera

Needless to say, the Aloe Vera is the most demanding plant among youths and adults due to its countless benefits for hair, skin, etc. Everyone now focusing on natural Aloe Vera gel instead of chemical cosmetics products.

If you are giving Aloe Vera plant as a housewarming gift, you can free your folks from nursery visits or fake Aloe vera products

7. Aloe vera
Aloe by Monica

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Only when the soil becomes completely dried. Otherwise, it leads to rotten and other possible problems.
  • Lighting: Comfortable in both indirect and direct sunlight. But make sure the light is brightest.
  • Temperature: It will grow nicely in the temperature between 13-27 °C, which is ideal for any houseplant.
  • Flowers: Yes, The flowers can be seen in multiple colors, including orange, pink, yellow, and red.
  • Toxicity: Yes, please avoid ingestion and keep the plant away from kids and pets. See more about the aloe vera toxicity at Wikipedia.

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Aloevera Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Aloe Vera - housewarming plants for good luck
Aloe vera plant inside 2.5 inches pot from Amazon
Aloe Vera - housewarming plants for good luck
Aloe vera inside 6 inches pot from amazon
Aloe vera - housewarming plants for good luck
Aloe vera plant inside 3-gallon pot by Monica

8. English-Ivy Plant

The English Ivy house plant has amazing textured leaves which will definitely improve the decor of the house. It can quickly grow up to 50 feet which would be ideal for a hanging basket and produce greenish-white flowers.

8. English-ivy
English Ivy by Marina

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Feed when the soil gets dried.
  • Lighting: Both indirect and low direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: It prefers 45-80°F with a humid climate.
  • Flowers: Yes, greenish-yellow, and greenish-white.
  • Toxicity: Yes, both leaves and berries are toxic in nature as per different research found by the conservative organization: Weedwise.

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below English Ivy Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

The golden English Ivy 4 inches potted plant - housewarming plant
The golden English Ivy 4 inches potted plant by Marina
The Duck shaped English Ivy - housewarming plant
The Duck shaped English Ivy 3 inches potted plant by Garden Gal

9. Dracaena marginata aka Dragon Tree

The dracaena plant is one of the species of dragon tree and has sword-shaped leaves with red margins. The red margins make the plant more visible to the eyes and considered a wonderful housewarming gift.

9. Dragon plant
Dragon plant by Lady Kokedama

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Once a week (indoors)
  • Lighting: Indirect-bright sunlight is good.
  • Temperature: 70-80°F
  • Flowers: Yes, white flowers but they rarely produce when growing indoors.
  • Toxicity: Highly toxic for cats and dogs as per ASPCA organization.

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Dragon Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Dragon Plant - plants for housewarming
4 inches of potted dragon plant by florist24hrs
The dragon plant - plants for housewarming
The dragon plant inside a 6 inches grower pot by Frank

10. Kalanchoe, the colourful houseplant

I guess you had already seen similar plants or exact this somewhere because it is so common to find in houses. And Kalanchoe plant is part of succulent groups that has many plant variants.

10. Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe by Anna

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: once or twice a week, make sure it is fully dry at the time of refilling.
  • Lighting: Medium to high direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: Kalanchoe loves to grow in warm temperatures. Make sure not to leave it below 55°F
  • Flowers: Yes, yellow, pink, magenta, orange, white and red flowers.
  • Toxicity: Yes, both dogs and cats get infected by Kalanchoe according to ASPCA report.

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Kalanchoe Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Kalanchoe - best housewarming plants
Kalanchoe 4 inch pot in multiple colors by California Tropicals LLC
Butterflies pattern Kalanchoe - best housewarming plants
Butterflies pattern Kalanchoe in 4 inches pot by Andreina
Zebra pattern rare kalanchoe pot - best housewarming plants
Zebra pattern rare kalanchoe pot by ITWINZ
Bell-shaped kalanchoe pot - best housewarming plants
Bell-shaped kalanchoe pot by Floral galore

11. Ponytail Palm aka The elephant’s foot palm

Palm trees are considered as good luck for decades. It would be good if you are gifting them at the housewarming event. That will protect the new homeowner’s house from any suffering and bad vibes.

11. Ponytail palm
Ponytail Palm by Suela

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: 1-2 time in a week. Let wait until it gets dry.
  • Lighting: Indirect bright sunlight would be a good option.
  • Temperature: Room temperature is best (60-80 °F )
  • Flowers: Maybe, it is rare in the case of the indoor plantation.
  • Toxicity: No your dogs, cats are safe according to ASPCA report, but this report says that it can be toxic to rabbits.

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Ponytail Palm Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Ponytail palm plant -housewarming plant gift meaning
Ponytail palm plant -10cm pot by Suela
Ponytail Plant - housewarming plant gift meaning
Ponytail palm – 3 inches pot from amazon

12. Phalaenopsis Orchid

12. Phalaenopsis orchid
Phalaenopsis orchid

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: 1-2 times in 7-10 days. It depends on the climate, check by dipping finger inside the pot.
  • Lighting: Indirect sunlight
  • Temperature: Maintain 16-24°C
  • Flowers: Yes, It is found in different colours like purple, pink, apricot, orange, salmon, lemon yellow and white
  • Toxicity: Totally safe for cats, dogs and horses according to ASPCA report.

Where to buy this houseplant?

Purple phalaenopsis orchid in 4 inches pot
Purple phalaenopsis orchid in 4 inches pot
White phalaenopsis orchid --3.5 inches pot
White phalaenopsis orchid –3.5 inches pot

13. The shiny ZZ plant

You might have seen that people are more often like to buy artificial plants because of their glossy finish. Well, here is the living plant that can produce the glossy finish leaves which will look fantastic in the lights.

The best thing is this houseplant requires very little care, and it would be an excellent gift if your new homeowners have a busy daily life routine.

13. ZZ Plant
ZZ plant – photo by leafygreens

Caring Instructions

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below ZZ Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

The ZZ plant -- good luck housewarming plant
The ZZ plant — 4 inches pot by California Tropicals LLC
ZZ Plant - Housewarming

14. The Arabica Coffee Plant for a housewarming gift

Who doesn’t appreciate the smell and taste of coffee? There are high chances that your new homeowners’ friends enjoy having a coffee at night or evening. Give them a sweet indoor coffee plant so that they can roast and brew their own natural coffee in their brand-new kitchen.

14. Coffee plant
Coffee plant – photo by fiorilafontana

Caring instructions

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Coffee Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Coffee plant -- housewarming plant good luck
Coffee plant — 2 inches pot by WonkaSeeds
Coffee Plant - housewarming plant good luck
Coffee plant — 3 pot set – 3 inches each from amazon

Coffee plant -- housewarming plant good luck
Coffee plant — 4 inches pot by California Tropicals LLC

15. Red Aglaonema aka The Chinese evergreen houseplant

Well, this reddish Aglaonema plant is scarce to found in the home, but hopefully, people are slowly getting aware of this impressive plant. To see the beauty of this plant, simply turn off the lights, and you will notice the red, pink color on its leaves border and other parts.

I guess it is the best stylish decorative gift for the housewarming party.

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Regular watering for better growth.
  • Lighting: Bright indirect light preferred.
  • Temperature: Warm and humid, generally ranges between 65- 80°F.
  • Flowers: Small white flowers.
  • Toxicity: Yes plant has a medium level of poison which is dangerous for both dogs and cats-says: NC state university.

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Red Aglaonema Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

15. Red Aglaonema
The nursery Red Aglaonema pot– 4/6 inches by Marina

16. Jade Plant

Commonly known as the lucky plant has a similar type of leaves with red borders as we can see in red aglaonema, but the leaves are pretty small in the case of the jade plant. This will ready to go choice if you like to give succulents types of plants as a housewarming gift.

Even people believe that if your Jade plant blooms, then it is the sign of friendship, luck, and prosperity.

16 Jade plant
Jade plant –photo by _oldladyplantlover_

Care instructions

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Jade Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Jade Plant - house warming plants
The silver and red textured jade — 6-inch pot by Dose of Succulents
Jade houseplant -- house warming plants
Jade houseplant — 4-inch pot by Brenna

17. The string of pearls

Yeah, this is a real plant, not artificial. Imagined how this long string of tiny balls looks like in the home. The main thing to look after that the pot should be a hanging type because they multiply very fast and only look beautiful when they are hanging down from the container.

So if you are thinking to gift this as a housewarming present, buy both separate plant hanger (very cheap) and the long string of pearls.

17 String of pearls
String of pearls – photo by betongbotanikk

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirement: Once a week is fine.
  • Lighting: Bright indirect-sunlight.
  • Temperature: 21-27 °C (spring) and 13-16 °C (winter)
  • Flowers: Yes, small white flowers with the amazing smell of cinnamon-vanilla scent.
  • Toxicity: Yes string of pearls is a harmful and toxic plant for humans and kids if consumed as per the Wikipedia.

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below String of Pearls Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Jute Plant Hanger
The attractive Jute Plant Hanger from amazon

Live string of pearls --house warming plants
Live string of pearls — 4-inch pot by California Tropicals LLC

18. The string of hearts

This one also belongs to the succulents group and used as a hangable houseplant. I like this more than a string of pearls due to the heart shape and non-toxicity characteristic. If your budget is reasonable, then you might gift them both at the housewarming event.

18 String of hearts
String of hearts by suaveplants

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Once a week
  • Lighting: Indirect bright sunlight
  • Temperature: Room temperature
  • Flowers: Yes, purple long heightened flowers can be seen.
  • Toxicity: Safe for both pets and humans.

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below String of Heart Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

The string of hearts - house warming plants
The string of hearts live plant — 2.5 inches pot by Pam Burton
The traditionally designed housewarming plant hanger
The traditionally designed plant hanger by MacrameDesign

19. Ficus Microcarpa aka Bonsai tree

That one holds a top position in the indoors houseplants because of its temperature friendly nature and long-lasting life. Furthermore, it is one of the lucky plants according to the Japanese tradition. They believe that the bonsai tree is the symbol of peace and harmony.

Where to buy this houseplant?

19 Bonsai Ficus Microcarpa
Ficus Microcarpa live plant in 4 inches pot by Marina

Caring Instructions

The link of below Bonsai Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

  • Watering requirements: Regular, refilling when pottery gets dry.
  • Lighting: Indirect bright light
  • Temperature: Above 20°C
  • Flowers: Not flowers; it produces dark red/white fruits.
  • Toxicity: Yes, as per the CABI report on Ficus Microcarpa.

20. The Snake Plant

Don’t worry. It will not bite your new homeowner’s friends. It is called a snake because of its leaves shape. The snake plant has tremendous benefits such as less caring requirements, and it will purify the air as per the NASA report.

20 Snake plant
Snake Plant photo by littlemisshhome

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Let it dry thoroughly, then rewatering again. In winters it can even survive a month without water.
  • Lighting: Indirect indoor light
  • Temperature: 70-90°F is awesome.
  • Flowers: Yes, the color is greenish-white.
  • Toxicity: Yes, as per the ASPCA report, keep your cats and dogs far away.

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Snake Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Snake Plant - housewarming plant meaning
Snake plant dark leaves — 6-inch pot from amazon

Snake Plant - housewarming plant meaning
Snake plant – Costa Farms — 8.5-inch pot from amazon

21. Begonia Plant

The begonia flowers are majorly used in artificial bouquets due to its tons of varieties available. Those colorful big flowers will definitely bring bright vibes to the housewarming event.

21. Begonia Plant
Begonia Plant by Southern Oak Aquatics

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Regular
  • Lighting: Indirect sunlight
  • Temperature: They prefer a room temperature 65-75 °F
  • Flowers: Yes. Colour depends on the species (yellow, purple, orange etc.)
  • Toxicity: Yes, it is poisonous for dogs, cats and horses as per the ASPCA report.

Where to buy this houseplant?

Over 1800 species of Begonia plant have existed on the earth. I have tried my best to find some of the best live plants that bloom unique flowers:

The link of below Begonia Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Begonia - best house plants for housewarming gift
The Unique textured Begonia Masona by Magda
Begonia - best house plants for housewarming gift
The snow spotted begonia –small pot by Robert
Begonia - best house plants for housewarming gift
The pinkish Begonia Harmony’s — Lovely — 4-inch pot by Southern Oak Aquatics

22. The Lucky Bamboo aka Dracaena Sanderiana

Just like the outdoor bamboo tree, the lucky bamboo becomes highly popular not in Asian countries but in the whole world. Folks love to bring it as a gift idea because people believe that it brings fortune and prosperity in the package of the gift.

Lucky Bamboo is a highly recommended housewarming gift.

Lucky Bamboo - housewarming plants for good luck
The 8-10 inches tall lucky bamboo in a ceramic vase from amazon

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Weekly watering.
  • Lighting: Indirect sunlight would be suitable for indoors.
  • Temperature: Ideal temperature ranges between 15-22°C
  • Flowers: Rarely broom small white flowers (once in 5-10 years)
  • Toxicity: Yes, Dracaena is mildly toxic to cats and other pets.

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Lucky Bamboo Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Lucky Bamboo - housewarming plants for good luck
Three lucky bamboo plant set — 2.5-inch vase each from amazon

Lucky Bamboo - housewarming plants for good luck
The three years old grown lucky bamboo plant with ceramic container from amazon

23. Cacti

Despite the sharpness characteristic of the cactus plant, people love to have it inside their home, because it is the belief that the cactus shows the symbol of maternal love of a mother. After all, it can have the capacity to survive in harsh climate conditions.

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Cacti Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Pink Flower Cactus - housewarming plants
Pink Flower Cactus in 3 inches potted plant by Shane
The Zebra Cactus – housewarming plants
The Zebra Cactus – 3 inches potted plant by Shane

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Every week, but make sure the soil is dried during refillings.
  • Lighting: Indirect bright light.
  • Temperature: They prefer dry and hot climate and best grow in the range of 70-80 Plus F°.
  • Flowers: Yes, colour varies.
  • Toxicity: Depend on the species. However, people have been eating their fruit for a very long time.

24. Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant

This narrow leaves plant will look gorgeous in the home when it outgrows. The bigger leaves just simply mesmerize the eyes. Fiddle leaf fig plant also got the award of garden merit which states that it is best performing plant in UK climate.

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Fiddle Leaf Fig Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

24. Fiddle leaf fig plant - housewarming plants

Fiddle leaf fig live plant — 6-inch pot by plantsonline

Caring Instructions

25. The Jasmine Plant

Jasmine plant is widely known for its fragrance. In my house, my mom had planted about 2-3 white flower pots which are almost 5-6 years old. They require routine care, nothing complicated, and you can also let it sit in both indoors and outdoors.

25 Jasmine Plant
Jasmine Plant – photo by wehplants

Where to buy this houseplant?

The link of below Jasmine Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Madagascar Jasmine --housewarming plants
Madagascar Jasmine –4-inch pot by California Tropicals LLC

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Regular, as soon as the pottery becomes dried, fill it up.
  • Lighting: Indirect bright light.
  • Temperature: Normal summer temperature.
  • Flowers: Bloom in summers. White, pink and yellow coloured flowers could be seen
  • Toxicity: Not at all. As per the ASPCA toxicity report.

26. Holy Basil aka Tulsi Plant

My mom once said it doesn’t matter if you plant other trees or not, but you should definitely plant a tulsi pot in your house.

Do you want to give a herb that not only just fragrance your new homeowner’s home but also helps them to cure common diseases such as nose cough etc.?

According to Hinduism and Ayurveda, the Tulsi plant is considered the luckiest and sacred plant. In Asian countries like India, it would be found in almost every home.

There might be chances that if your friends aren’t Asian, they do not know about the benefits of this plant, you should hand them this sacred plant at a housewarming party and tell them its benefits.

Where to buy this houseplant?

It is difficult to find a tulsi plant comes with a pot. However, you can check local nursery, or you can gift a bunch of high-quality tulsi seeds and an empty pot.

The link of below Tulsi Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

26. Holy Basil - good luck housewarming plant
Rama tulsi –30 seeds by plantswithpurpose
Tulsi - good luck housewarming plant
Krushna tulsi — 30 seeds by plantswithpurpose

Caring Instructions

  • Watering requirements: Regular
  • Lighting: Both indirect and direct, but too much bright sunlight could harm the plant.
  • Temperature: Warm, Should at least 70°F
  • Flowers: Yes, but very tiny in size.
  • Toxicity: Not at all, totally safe to consume.

The ultimate list of Artificial flowers, bouquets, plants for housewarming decorated gift

The link of below Artificial Housewarming plants is mentioned on this page! 😊

Housewarming plant gift box
Housewarming plant gift box by Racquel
Artificial Housewarming Plants
Housewarming artificial cactus potted plant by Duly
Artificial Housewarming Plants
Artificial Air plant for decoration by Justine Hudak
Artificial Housewarming Plants
Housewarming Artificial Pots Set of 3 from amazon

Artificial Housewarming Plants
Ficus silk artficial plant- 36 inch from amazon

Artificial Housewarming Plants
String of hearts artificial plant from amazon

Artificial Housewarming Plants
Artificial Lavender Flowers from amazon

Artificial Housewarming Plants
Fuchsia Flower Bouquet- Artificial from amazon

Artificial Housewarming Plants

Orange Kalanchoe Floral Bush From Amazon


Have you finalized a housewarming plant? Tell us the name in the comment section.

Suppose you are looking for a particular plant which isn’t included in this list. I will help you in searching. Also, mention in the comment box, if any plant listed above have gone out of stock.

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FAQ- Housewarming plant

Should I bring plants or flowers for a housewarming?

Both are appropriate to give as a housewarming gift. Choose live plants if your friends (new homeowners) like planting or if they already have enough plants at their home give flowers as a bouquet.

What kind of plants do you bring to a housewarming?

You should choose decorative or lucky plants which brings peace and harmony in house owners new home. For example Chinese money plant, Tulsi, Lucky bamboo, palm plant, peace lily, jade and English ivy.

Are flowers and plants a good housewarming gift?

Hopefully yes, the reason is simple flowers or houseplants both improve the interior decor of the house.

What are the lucky indoor plants?

There are tons of live plants which can be grown in indoor and treated as a symbol of good luck. Example Lucky bamboo, jade, palm, peace lily, Tulsi, money plant, peepal, English ivy, bonsai tree and rubber plant.

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